Air Duct Cleaning: Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions About Air Ducts & Air Duct Cleaning

Today, the experts at Superior Air Duct Cleaning answer some frequently asked questions regarding air duct cleaning.

What Is Air Duct Cleaning and Why Is It Important?

Air duct cleaning is a process of removing dust, mold, and obstructions from your heating and cooling system’s duct vents. Businesses like Superior Air Duct Cleaning focus on cleaning those hard-to-reach places like ventilation systems, furnaces, and evaporator coils. This cleaning process is essential because it can protect your health and keep your utility costs down.

Should I Have Ducts Cleaned In A Brand New Home?

Surprisingly, yes. Construction debris is a common type of contamination that we find in air duct systems. Drywall dust, sawdust, and other fine particles can make their way into your system when the construction crews are cleaning up. The only way to completely remove them is through professional cleaning.

What Are The Health Benefits?

Dust, fungi, and bacteria have been shown to collect in ventilation systems. These contaminants are potentially harmful to your health, irritating or triggering certain allergies. The removal of these contaminants from your HVAC system should be viewed as a step in improving the air quality of your home.


Will Duct Cleaning Reduce Energy Or Utility Bills?

If air ducts are blocked by dust or debris, it will increase your utility bill, as well as impair your vent system and HVAC components (evaporator coil and blower). The build-up of these contaminants in the furnace can restrict airflow. It forces your HVAC unit to work harder, driving up your energy consumption. Cleaning the entire HVAC system will increase efficiency and extend the unit’s life.

Related Post: How to Save Money on Your Heating Bill

How Often Do Air Ducts Need To Be Cleaned?

Not monthly, not even yearly — There’s no industry standard for how often your air ducts need to be cleaned. Except in extreme circumstances, there is no reason your ducts would need to be cleaned more than once a year. In fact, many people can easily go two years between cleanings.

You should take precautions, such as preventing debris from getting into your ducts. The best thing to do is sit down with a reputable duct cleaning professional and establish a cleaning schedule suitable for your home.

Related Post: Preparing for Air Duct Cleaning

Can I Clean The Ducts Myself?

There are certain things you can do to help your air ducts function properly. Changing your air filters regularly and cleaning off the grills at the end of the air ducts are good steps to take. However, because most of your air duct system is difficult to reach, you will not be able to do as thorough a job on your own.

Duct cleaning companies use advanced equipment to inspect and clean even the hardest-to-reach areas of your duct system. It’s good to have professionals come and perform a thorough cleaning of your ducts.

Are Any Chemicals Used In The Cleaning Process?

We don’t use chemicals in the cleaning process. Instead, we offer a hospital-grade sanitizer to treat the ductwork after all of the ducts are cleaned. This sanitizer is made to break down odors, dust, and grime to give you an HVAC system that runs like new.

At Superior Air Duct Cleaning, we use environmentally safe cleaning products and equipment to ensure that your ducts are cleaned properly while also being health conscious.

Related Post: How Do I Know If My Air Ducts Are Clean?

Superior Air Duct Can Help

It’s probably been a while since the ductwork in your home has had a thorough cleaning, if ever. The professionals at Superior Air Duct Cleaning, located in Brighton, PA., and eastern Ohio, can help you and your family breathe easier. If you have further questions, contact us for a free quote today.

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